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About Our Network

The Women in Programmatic network was created to provide opportunities and support for women in the programmatic and digital advertising industry. ​ Since 2020, the network provides networking events and speaking opportunities, leads industry initiatives, discusses the latest and greatest in the industry, and pushes to eradicate the gender pay gap. ​ It is free to sign up and available for all levels, from intern to CEO!


Sponsorships & Partnerships

Promote your company with the Women In Programmatic Network!

Signature Projects

IAB Interact 1100x628.gif

Mental Health and Quality Life 

Interest Groups


Get Involved

From free monthly group webinars, events, dedicated WhatsApp groups, signature sessions, workshops, volunteer opportunities, speaker opportunities, support groups, self-development and so more  - there is something for every woman, at every career level.

Our Events

Every year, the Women in Programmatic Network organises two signature in-person events in the United Kingdom and some regional meet-ups globally. 

Embracing women on International Women's Day and having Q4 events have great popularity, and we can host hundreds of industry colleagues, thank you for our sponsors and partners.

ANZ in person event

Signature Webinars - Online Workshops 

We are committed to organising monthly signature online sessions with different style: Fireside chat, Presentation/discussion, Break out rooms. 

Our Online workshops and general discussions,

Special editions: Registration only online webinars (Premium, Premium+ members have priorities)

Power days: 1x year, we organise publisher, adtech, and agency/client-focused days (sponsoring possible)

TWIPN publisher roundtable

Fundraiser, Ambassador, Volunteers

Active participation is an essential part of our movement’s success. Planning a Fundraiser is a great way to connect with your local community and spread the importance of our mission. With several different campaigns, it is easy to find something that personally inspires you.

International Women's Day 2023

The Women in Programmatic Network B2B partners

Female Led Companies

Interested in Partnerships?

Looking for a Job or the Right Candidate? 

In partnership with: 


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