What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and it’s the holiest time of the year for Muslims. Ramadan is dictated by the lunar cycle, beginning and ending with a crescent moon. It is a time for spiritual reflection, acts of charity, and spending time with loved ones.
When is Ramadan?
It will begin on 23rd March and end 21st April. During this month Muslims around the world will be fasting from sunrise to sunset every day, which could be 16-17 hours in the UK (Varies depending on location) of abstaining from eating or drinking for approximately thirty days.
Ramadan and work (Best practices)
With 6.5% of the population (as of Nov 2022) in the UK being Muslim, many companies are yet to have policies or experience in how to support Muslim staff, so here are some top tips:
· An acknowledgement and understanding of Ramadan could mean that Muslims feel seen, heard and represented in the workplace (awareness of what fasting entails and how this can be translated into behaviour or working practices)
· Avoid booking in meetings for late afternoons (For many fasters, this will lead to lethargy so instead use mornings to schedule meetings/training sessions whilst people are still relatively fresh especially if high concentration levels are needed)
· Allow flexible working patterns (such as taking staggered breaks throughout the day rather than an hour lunch - if better suited to them as between fasting and an altered sleeping pattern, it is common to experience Dehydration, Fatigue, Heartburn, Headaches or more during Ramadan)
· Offering a prayer space (As many Muslims will use the month to engage in prayers throughout the day, we have dedicated the wellness room to be temporarily used as a multi-faith room. There is a portable prayer mat placed on the table in a green bag for those who will be traveling into the London office to use.
· Be prepared for holiday requests (you may see an increase of holiday requests particularly during the last ten days or at the end of the month, to celebrate Eid al-Fitr which is a three-day festival to mark the end of Ramadan)
Remember this is a time for reflection, contemplation and celebration for all Muslims so showing colleagues that you are open and willing to support their needs during this month would be highly appreciated.
~ By Hifsa Moshin